Monday, August 6, 2007

Thanks Elton Brand

If you're a fan of any team in the Pacific Division that is not the Clippers, please send Elton Brand a Thank You card...if you want some good karma maybe include a Get Well Soon note. In a series of unfortunate events featuring the Los Angeles Clippers, Brand mystified LA's "other" fan base by rupturing his left Achilles tendon last Friday during a routine daily workout. There hasn't been a potentially career-ending injury this funny since Tony Allen's boneheaded post-whistle dunk that resulted in micro fracture surgery on his knee. I actually laughed out loud for a good minute when this news came across the ESPN ticker. Not because I'm a terrible person, but mainly because the Clippers management must have the blood of a 1,000 virgins on their hands, why else would they be reprimanded so heavily by the basketball Gods (See: Livingston, Shaun, Brand, Elton and Cassel, Sam trade)? So as a Warriors fan I say "Thanks Elton Brand!", you just ended the Clippers' 07-08 campaign before it even started, and increased the chances of the Warriors making it back to the blessed postseason. It's not all bad though, I'm sure Elgin Baylor will afford you all the time and rehab you need, enough secure the Clips a top pick in next year's stellar point guard loaded draft?
On second thought Brand, get well soon...soon enough to kill all chances of a lottery pick and late enough that the team falls short of the playoffs. That's fitting anyways, it's the Clippers....misery and despair is ingrained into your franchise. Baylor may need to call an exorcist.

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